

Daty, ich habe keine Worte des Dankes, dass meine Dankbarkeit für deine großzügige Angebot übereinstimmen, das du mir al deine Tutorials und Stationery's gegeben hast, vielen lieben Dank.

Daty, there are no words that can express my gratitude for your generous offer that you gave me all your stationery and tutorials, with lots of love, Zial.

This tutorial was made in PSP X2, but can also be made in the other versions.


Here you can download the materials.

It contains: 5 tubes.

Brooke Kroeger, RRW, Kara, SI and Sugar, thank you very much for your beautiful tubes.

You can download the turning hands at the end of step 11.


Here you can download the plugins FM Tile Tools and Alien Skin Xenofex 2.

Set everything in its folder and open the tubes in PSP.

Copy the tubes - close the originals.

If you have everything, you can start :-)


Step 1

Set your foreground color to #aea083.

Set your background color to #efe5d1.

Or choose your own colors.

Open a transparent image of 700 x 500 pixels.

Flood fill with your light background color.

Step 2

Layers - New raster layer.

Flood fill with your dark foreground color.

Open the mask "Sl-sabremaskexample1" in PSP.

Activate your working image.

Layers - New mask layer - From image - with these settings:

Layers - Merge - Merge group.

Step 3

Copy tube "champagne1_sug".

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Image - Resize - 65% - All layers not checked.

Place it on the left side.

Adjust - Hue and saturation - Colorize - with these settings:

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 39.

Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss - default settings.

Step 4

Copy tube "KaraT3656".

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Image - Resize - 70% - All layers not checked.

Place it in the upper right corner.

Adjust - Hue and saturation - Colorize - same settings.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 39.

Step 5

Layers - Duplicate.

Image - Resize - 70% - All layers not checked.

Set this one in the upper right corner, a bit down.

Layers - Duplicate.

Set this one in the upper right corner, on the left of the big one.

Layers - Merge - Merge down - repeat 1x.

Your image should look like this:

Duplicate this layer 2x.

Rename the layers in Firework1, 2 and 3.

Close the Firework layers.

Step 6

Copy tube "BKD217_DesignElements".

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Image - Resize - 60% - All layers not checked.

Place it on the bottom right side.

You can leave it this way, but you can also colorize it.

Selections - Select all - Selections Float.

Set your foreground to gradient "Foreground- background" - with these settings:

Flood fill the selection with the gradient.

Selections - Select none.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 65.

Step 7

Open tube "RRW-goldframe-clock".

Copy the layer "face frame".

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Adjust - Hue and saturation - Colorize - same settings.

Lower the opacity of this layer to 27.

Step 8

Copy the layer "numbers".

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Adjust - Hue and saturation - Colorize - same settings.

Lower et the Opacity of this layer to 27.

Merge both layer (the face frame and the numbers).

Step 9

Copy both hands.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

On both hands:

Adjust - Hue and saturation - Colorize - same settings.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 30.

If you don't want to animate, do the 2 next steps, if you want to animate, continue with Step 11.

Layers - Merge - Merge visible.

Step 10

Add your name and/or watermark.

Save your crea as a jpg file and you're done!

I hope you enjoyed making this tutorial very much :-)


If you only want to animate the Fireworks, open the firework layers.

Continue from point fireworks.


If you want to run the clock and the fireworks to animate, move one.


Step 11

I offer you a simpler version that goes, but only when the clock is right in the middle.

If this is not the case, continue from Clock (more down).

Image - Rotate - Free rotate - with these settings:

Turn the big hand 30° - the small one with 2,5°.

Then it walk around very beautiful.

Even easier:

You can download the turning hands

here :-)



Step 12a

Close all layers, except the clock and hands.

Image - Guides - if you are in the suburbs, hold down your left mouse button, a line appears (on the side the vertical line and at the top the horizontal line) - set it in the center (pivot of the hands).

Activate the big hand - close the small hand - activate your Distortion tool:

The turning points x and y, you can set it so that you are under the rim of the hands.

Step 13b

Set the big hand at 1.

Open the small hand - activate and repeat the turning points - set this hand at 11.

Duplicate both hands - merge a small and large hand together.

Rename this layer 1 - close this layer.

Step 14c

Repeat the steps for which you guide a little further each turn.

It is unfortunate that you have to pivot points each time to adapt in PSP XII.

At the end you must have 12 hands - where the big hand runs from 1 to 12 and the small hand from 11 to 12.

Close all hands layers until hand layer 1 and the merge head layer.

Step 15d

Activate firework layer 1.

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation - with these settings:

Repeat this on the firework layers 2 and 3 - don't forget to click on Random Seed each time.

Close the firework layers.

Save the hand layer1 as 1.jpg in a folder of your choice.

Step 16e

Close hand layer1 - open hand layer2.

Save as 2.jpg - go through until all 12 hands are saved as an image.

Open the 12th hand (the other hand layers are closed) - open firework layer1.

Save as 13. jpg.

Step 17f

Close firework layer1 - open firework layer2 - save as 14.jpg.

You do this with all 3 layers of firework.

>Open Animation Shop and go further to section 21G.



Step 18

Activate firework layer1.

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation - with these settings:

Save this image as 1.jpg in a folder of your choice.

Step 19

Activate firework layer2.

Repeat Constellation - click in the middle of Random Seed.

Save this image as 2.jpg.

Step 20

Do the same with firework layer3.

Don't forget to click on Random Seed.

Save as 3.jpg.

Step 21G

Open Animation Shop.

File - Animation Wizard.

You will see a screen - click Next 3x consecutively.

On this screen, enter the number 10:

Click Next - you'll see the screen below:

Click Add image - Locate the folder where you saved your images:

Repeat Add image until you have all images in the screen (the clock and the firework are 15 images).

Click Next - click Finish and your animation will appear.

Step 22

View - Animation:

You now can see how your animation looks.

If you like it, save your crea as a gif file, in a folder of your choice.

If the clock and the firework animation is too fast, go to:

Animation - Frame properties - increase the number.

The higher the number, the slower the animation.

My time is 50.

I hope you enjoyed making this tutorial :-)




Translated by Zial on December 22, 2010

© by Daty ~ December 2009