
Elvira, thank you very much for your permission that I may translate your tutorials.


Unfortunately her site is no longer online.


For this lesson you need the following plugins:

VM Natural - Sparkle

Filter Unlimited 2.0 - Edges, Square

You can download them


you can download the materials.

It contains: 1 tube.

You need a gold pattern of your choice.


The tube is by Pascale.

Thank you so much for the beautiful tube.


Let's get started!


Step 1

Open the tube in PSP - minimize her for now.

Open a transparent image of 275 x 300 pixels.

Set your foreground color to #98284e.

Set your background color to black.

Set your background also to your gold pattern - Angle 0 - Scale 100.

Flood fill your image with black.

Effects - Plugins - VM Natural - Sparkle - with these settings:

Set your foreground to gradient 'Linear' - Angle 45 - Repeats 3 - Invert not checked.

Step 2

Layers - New raster layer.

Flood fill this layer with your gradient.

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur - 10.

Effects - Plugins - Filter Unlimited 2.0 - Edges, Square - Square Edge 16.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow:

Vert -3 (minus 3) - Hor 3 - Opacity 45 - Blur 5 - color white - Shadow on new layer checked.

Selections - Select all.

Selections - Modify - Contract - 40 pixels.

Step 3

Layers - New raster layer.

Copy tube 'PPT30-08Face02'.

Paste into the selection.

Selections - Modify - Select selection borders - inside - 2 pixels - anti alias not checked.

Layers - New raster layer.

Flood fill this layer with a gold pattern of your choice.

Selections - Select none.

Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten) - minimize.

Step 4

Open a new transparent image of 650 x 450 pixels.

Flood fill your image with black.

Effects - Plugins - VM Natural - Sparkle - Max Size to 44 - click OK.

Step 5

Layers - New raster layer.

Set your foreground back to gradient.

Flood fill this layer with your gradient.

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur - 10.

Effects - Plugins - Filter Unlimited 2.0 - Edges, Square - Square Edge 16.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow:

Vert -3 (minus 3) - Hor 3 - Opacity 45 - Blur 5 - color white - Shadow on new layer checked.

Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten).

Step 6

Copy the image you minimized in step 3.

Edit - Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Image - Rotate - Free rotate - Right - 30 - nothing checked.

Place it on the right side - see main image.

Step 7

Layers - Duplicate.

Image - Resize - 65% - All layers not checked.

Image - Rotate - Free rotate - Left - 30 - nothing checked.

Place this one in the lower right corner - see main image.

Layers - Merge - Merge down.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow:

Vert -3 (minus 3) - Hor 3 - Opacity 45 - Blur 5 - color white - Shadow on new layer NOT checked.

Repeat with Vert 3 and Hor -3 (minus 3).

Step 8

Copy tube 'PPT30-08Face02'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Image - Resize - 85% - All layers not checked.

Place her on the left side - see main image.

Set the Opacity of this layer to 30.

Layers - Arrange - Move down.

Add your watermark.

If everything is oke:

Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten).

Step 9

Image - Add borders - 2 pixels - foreground color.

Image - Add borders - 4 pixels - black.

Image - Add borders - 8 pixels - foreground color.

Activate your Magic wand and select this border.

Flood fill the border with your gradient.

Selections - Select none.

Step 10

Image - Add borders - 2 pixels - black.

Image - Add borders - 4 pixels - foreground color.

Image - Add borders - 2 pixels - white.

Activate your Magic wand and select this border.

Flood fill this border with your gold pattern.

Selections - Select none.

Step 11

Activate your Text tool - Add you name.

Give a Drop shadow of your choice.

Image - Resize - 85% - All layers checked.

Save you crea as a jpg file and you're done!


I hope you enjoyed making this lesson :-)


This lesson can not arrive at groups without my permission.

I certainly don't like copying.

If you want to link my lesson, please mail me.

Love Elvira


Translated by Zial on April 8, 2012

