Steampunk 2

Gerrie, thank you very much for your permission that I may translate your tutorials.

Click on the banner for the original lesson

This tutorial was made in PSP X9, but can also be made in the other versions.


For this tutorial you need Animation Shop (AS)

and the following plugins:

AAA Frames - Foto Frame

Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Plugins AB 10 (in zip)

L en K landsiteofwonders - L en K's Maxime (in zip)

LOtis Filters - Mosaic Toolkit (in zip)

Mehdi - Weaver

Scribe - Doughnutz (in zip)

You can download the plugins

Place or install the plugins in your Plugin folder.

If you have to install plugins, you have to restart your PSP, so they will work right away.


you can download the materials.

It contains: 1 tube with alpha selections - 5 tubes - 1 color label - 1 mask - 4 plugins - 4 fonts.

Open the font and minimize it, or load fonts by Tools of font FXplorer - Click 'Load Fonts (by Folder) - click on the font you want and it's in your font in PSP.

Import the plugins 'Plugins AB 10 and Scribe' into Filters Unlimited 2.0.


Permission to use the tubes


The tube is by I Isa.

The mask is by Animabelle.

Thank you so much for the beautiful tube and mask.


The other tubes are unknown to me.

If they are yours, please let me know so I can give you the proper credit.

Please don't remove the watermark.

The Copyright belongs to the original artist.

Let the credit to the maker.

The colors, Blend mode and Opacity in this lesson are choosen by these materials.

If you use your own materials, you may have to change them.

Note the H and S of your background color.


Step 1

Open the tubes and the mask in PSP - minimize them for now.

Set your foreground color to #8a4b1f (or at your choice).

Set your background color to #404234 (or at your choice).

Extra color is #6c1c1d - see color label.

Open tube 'Alfa_Steampunk2_Magnifique'.

Shift+D to duplicate it, close the original.

You work on the copy.

Flood fill your image with your background color.

Step 2

Copy tube 'I Isa'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Image - Rotate - Free rotate - Right - 90 - nothing checked.

Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten).

Adjust - Blur - Radial blur - with these settings:

Effects - Image effects - Seamless tiling - default settings.

Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Plugins AB 10 - Warm Glow - with these settings:

Play with this plugin.

If you have an other color and will it be too dark, skip this plugin.

Effects - Plugins - L en K landsiteofwonders - L en K's Maxime - default settings - see image below:

Step 3

Layers - New raster layer.

Flood fill this layer with black.

Layers - New mask layer - From image - find mask '145_masque_Animabelle' - with these settings:

Layers - Merge - Merge group.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 60.

Layers - Merge - Merge visible.

Step 4

Selections - Load/save selection - Load selection from Alpha channel - load Selection 1 - see image below:

Layers - Promote selection to layer.

Selections - Select none.

Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Weaver - with these settings:

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow:

Vert and Hor 0 - Opacity 60 - Blur 20 - color black.

Effects - Edge effects - Enhance.

Step 5

Layers - Duplicate.

Image - Mirror - Mirror hor.

Image - Flip - Search vert.

Layers - Merge - Merge down.

Change the Blend mode of this layer to Hard light.

If you use other colors, just see what's best for you.

Step 6

Layers - New raster layer.

Selections - Load/save selection - Load selection from Alpha channel - load Selection 2 - see image below:

Lower the Opacity of the Flood fill tool to 60 - see image below:

Flood fill the selection with your foreground color.

Selections - Select none.

Set the Opacity of the Flood fill tool back to 100.

Step 7

Set your foreground color to #8a4b1f.

Set your background color to black (#000000).

The background color will be the color of the cubes.

If you use other colors, see what's best for you.

Effects - Plugins - LOtis Filters - Mosaic Toolkit - Squares, Rings, and Balls - with these settings:

Change the Blend mode of this layer to Hard light.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 50.

If you use other colors, see what looks best for you.

Step 8

Activate your bottom layer.

Selections - Load/save selection - Load selection from Alpha channel - load Selection 4 - see image below:

Layers - Promote selection to layer.

Selections - Select none.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow:

Vert 1 - Hor 0 - Opacity 60 - Blur 20 - color black.

Change the Blend mode of this layer to Hard light.

Step 9

Layers - New raster layer.

Add your name and/or watermark.

Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten).

Step 10

Image - Add borders - Symmetric - 2 pixels - color black.

Image - Add borders - Symmetric - 50 pixels - color white.

Set your background color to #404234 (green).

Set your foreground to gradient 'Lineair' - Angle 45 - Repeats 3 - Invert not checked.

Select the last border with your Magic wand - with these settings:

Flood fill the selection with your gradient.

Effects - Plugins - Scribe - Doughnutz - default settings - see image below:

Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Foto Frame - with these settings:

Selections - Select none.

Step 11

Copy tube 'I Isa'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Place her on the right side - see main image.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - at your choice.

Step 12

Copy tube 'Element 2'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Place it on the left side - see main image.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - at your choice.

Step 13

Copy tube 'Steampunk6_coeur'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Place it on the left side on the other tube - see main image.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - at your choice.

Step 14

Copy tube 'element5'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Place it upper right - see main image.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - at your choice.

Step 15

Choose a font from the zip.

I used font 'GCRANK'.

Size and color at your choice.

Type the text 'Steampunk 2' or your own text.

Place the text on top of your crea, on the left side.

Layers - Convert to raster layer.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - at your choice.

Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten).

Step 16

Image - Add borders - Symmetric - 1 pixel - color black.

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.

Save your crea as a jpg file and you're done!

Step 17

If you want your crea in my Gallery:

Image - Resize - longest side 800 pixels.

Send me an email with your crea and the name of the lesson.

I hope you enjoyed making this tutorial :-)


This lesson was written by Gerrie on June 10, 2018.

This lesson is and remains the property of Gerrie.

You are not allowed to copy or distribute my lessons without my written permission.

All my lessons are self designed ... so any agreement is purely coincidental.

All my lessons are registered with TWI.

Translated by Zial on July 3, 2018

