Christmas lesson 06 2019

Mieke, heel erg bedankt voor je toestemming om je lessen te mogen vertalen.

Thank you Mieke, for your permission to translate your beautiful tutorials.

Click on the banner for the original lesson

For this tutorial you need the following plugins:

Filter Factory Gallery Q - Mosaic

Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

You can download the plugins

Place or install the plugins into your Plugin folder.


you can download the materials.

It contains: 1 color label - 5 tubes - 1 watermark - 1 picture - 1 selection.

Place the selection in your Selection folder.

The tubes are by MB and Pinuccia.

Thank you so much for your beautiful tubes.

The other tubes are unknown to me.

If they are yours, please let me know so I can give you the proper credit.


Step 1

Open the tubes and the mask in PSP - minimize them for now.

Set your foreground color to #8cbb8b.

Set your background color to #214a22.

Set your foreground to gradient 'Radial' - Angle 0 - Repeats 5 - Invert not checked - see image below:

Open a transparent image of 900 x 600 pixels.

Flood fill your image with your gradient.

Step 2

Selections - Select all.

Selections - Modify - Contract - 50 pixels.

Selections - Promote selection to layer.

Don't Deselect!

Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles - with these settings:

Effects - Plugins - Filter Factory Gallery Q - Mosaic - with these settings:

Step 3

Copy tube '2019-7'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Change the Blend mode of this layer to Multiply.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 55.

Minimize this tube for now.

Step 4

Layers - New raster layer.

Flood fill this layer with white.

Layers - New mask layer - From image - find mask '2019-7' - with these settings:

Layers - Merge - Merge group.

Selections - Select none.

Effects - Edge effects - Enhance.

Step 5

Layers - New raster layer.

Selections - Load/save selection - Load selection from disk - load selection 'kerst-2019-2-mb' - default settings.

Flood fill the selection with your gradient (foreground color #8cbb8b - background color #214a22).

Copy tube 'deco-3'.

Back to your working image.

Paste into the selection.

Selections - Select none.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow:

Vert and Hor 0 - Opacity 40 - Blur 40 - color black.

Step 6

Copy tube 'deco-5'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Activate your Raster deform tool - set Position X to minus 30 - set Position Y to 441 - see image below:

Click on the letter M to get rid of this tool.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - same settings as before.

Step 7

Copy tube 'deco-11'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Activate your Raster deform tool - set Position X to 560 - set Position Y to 100.

Click on the letter M to get rid of this tool.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - same settings as before.

Step 8

Copy tube 'deco-2'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Activate your Raster deform tool - set Position X to minus 50 - set Position Y to 54.

Click on the letter M to get rid of this tool.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - same settings as before.

Step 9

Copy tube 'deco-4'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Don't move the tube.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - same settings as before.

Step 10

Activate Raster 1.

Selections - Select all.

Selections - Modify - Contract - 50 pixels.

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - same settings as before.

Selections - Select none.

Step 11

Layers - New raster layer.

Add your name and/or watermark.

Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten).

Step 12

Image - Add borders - Symmetric - 2 pixels - background color.

Save your crea as a jpg file and you're done!


I hope you enjoyed making this lesson :-)

Hugs Mieke


This lesson was written by Mieke.

This lesson is and remains the property of Mieke.

You are not allowed to copy or distribute her lessons without her written permission.

All her lessons are self designed, so any agreement is purely coincidental.


Translated by Zial on December 9, 2019

